Phonic Books is Going Red for the month of October!

What is all this ‘going red’ about?

Go Red is a community of passionate individuals and organisations that campaign to promote literacy and a greater understanding of dyslexia. Being able to read and write is something most of us take for granted. Dyslexia Awareness Month shines a light on the 1 in 10 children who struggle with language and learning.

Why Go Red?

The dreaded red, a colour we’ve all seen throughout our education. The red marker used to highlight mistakes is all too familiar for dyslexics around the world. Associations have chosen this colour to take back its meaning and globally promote dyslexia awareness. Starting in Australia, this movement has grown worldwide with organisations from the UK, Canada, and USA all joining the campaign. Get involved and help us Go Red!

How are we going red?

Phonic Books have changed the colour of our logo for the month of October to promote dyslexia awareness.

Post your photos to our Facebook page and hashtag

#GoRed #SucceedWithDyslexia #dyslexiaawarenessweek


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