Why no one can really multi task

Young people today are obsessed with social media, constantly switching from school work to Facebook, texting, Instagram or whatever the latest cool gadget is on their phones.  How does this affect their learning? They tell their parents and teachers that they are multi-tasking.  But is this actually true? Read this  interesting article by David Didau about this important issue.  This had added […]

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The secret of Finnish education: reading at the core of society and a simple phonic code

The Finnish education  is one of the most successful educational systems in the world.  It is very different from the system in the UK.  What are its secrets?  Two important factors are: reading is at the core of society and it has a simple, transparent phonic code.  To read more click on this article from the […]

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Why is London outperforming the rest of the UK?

Thanks to Joe Kirby for this uplifting report on why London Schools are outperforming the rest of the UK.  What is London’s secret? Pragmatic Education blog states that key for this surge of improvement lies in: partnership, leadership and quality of teaching.  Things can change for the better! Good news! http://uk.mg.bt.mail.yahoo.com/neo/launch?.partner=bt-1&.rand=e23k2obs35vtj  

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