Phonic Books in Masailand – see pics


 Last November a troupe of Masai singers and dancers visited Malmesbury and performed in the ancient Abbey.

Funds raised were to go to a new school 30 miles outside Nairobi in Kenya. Wendy Tweedie, Director of Phonic Books Ltd, of Cross Hayes, Malmesbury attended the performance and was inspired to donate a large box of children’s books to help launch the new school.

 Yesterday Phonic Books got a message back from Masailand ” We are happy to receive your greetings and the books you sent us. They are very nice and of great use to learners. We have started using them for our reading lesson. We really appreciate them”.
Helen Pannell who helped organise the trip comments ” We were lucky and very grateful recipients of a box of Dandelion Books given to us at a performance of the Masai Warriors in Malmesbury. Your books are now in Kenya. They are the first reading books given to class 1 at Osiligi Obaya School and as such the first that they have ever seen. The children are aged between 5 and 9 and live in a Masai home community.”

Phonic Books is delighted to have made a difference. We sell tens of thousands of books to UK schools and export to Australia and the the Far East. This was our sixth consignment to Africa.

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