Ofsted recommendations on Pupil Premium spending

Ofsted recommendations on Pupil Premium spending

A recent report by Ofsted on the use of Pupil Premium spending in schools concludes with the following recommendations:

  1. Schools must ensure that the Pupil Premium is targeted at designated pupils.  They will need to be able to show how the money has been spent.

2.  Schools must evaluate the Pupil Premium spending and demonstrate that is has had impact on disadvantaged pupils.

3. School should continue to encourage parents and carers to apply for Free School Meals where social stigma or changing   circumstances prevent them from doing so.

4. Ofsted will continue to evaluate the use of Pupil Premium funding to ensure is it used for disadvantaged pupils effectively.

5. If schools do not target Pupil Premium money effectively, the government will intervene with measures such ring-fencing money or payment by results, to ensure the effective , targeted use of  Pupil Premium spending.

To see the complete report click on the link below:


What does this mean in the case of pupils who need literacy support?

  1. It will be necessary to clearly identify pupils who are eligible for Pupil Premium spending.

2. It will be important to assess their reading attainment at the start of every year to measure progress as evidence of the impact of intervention funded by Pupil Premium spending.

3. Schools must decide on the most effective resources to invest in Pupil Premium pupils e.g.

allocating staff, training staff, employing extra staff, purchasing resources, after school clubs, holiday clubs, etc.

4. It will be necessary to show how these resources have contributed to the progress of the pupil.

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